Monday 30th March 2020
Today our home schooling and work routine was back in full swing. Toast, grown up work, school work, packed lunch, fun stuff. After we had done the usual tasks, we decided to explore something new. We had been inundated with links to free, fun activities to keep the kids edu-tained during the lockdown. In addition to the accounts warp-girl’s school had provided, we had fun with online reading resources and maths websites which were offering free access for a limited time while the kids were off school. We found the Reading Eggs site particularly good and warp-girl enjoyed working through several levels and collecting the golden eggs.There was so much available and it got us thinking about how different the situation would be without the Internet! Next, was Play-Doh. Again. I hadn’t realised until now, but at some point on almost everyday since we had been off, warp-girl had asked to play with Play-Doh. It is actually dough which we made from a recipe in her ‘Look! I’m a Scientist’ book, back last year and frankly I am amazed that it is still functional. Anyway, out it came and Big Bear was treated to yet another birthday feast. I have lost count of the number of birthdays this bear has had, but he must be older than me by now.
Tuesday 31st March 2020
Today we had more words to practice reading and writing in a made up story. I really tried, but my efforts were no better than last time… ‘Six eggs get on the bus’… ‘Six eggs get off the bus’… ‘Six eggs eat egg and cress’… oh dear. The actual writing was coming along nicely though so there were, at least, some positives to take from it. After all our work was done we had a huge picnic in the living room. There were a lot of guests, however they were all of the plush variety and already living in our house so no social distancing rules were broken. They had all kinds of snacks and yes, more Play-Doh food. Everyone had a lovely time and they all made a lot less mess than warp-girl and warp-boy did at their own dinner time; they can come again.