The only winning move is not to play

Shall we play a game? Back when I owned an Amiga A500 in the late 80’s I always had a soft spot for the game Nuclear War by New World Computing. It was a pretty simple single player only strategy game with a sense of humour.
When I discovered Defcon by Introversion Software I spent quite a few hours nuking cities around the world, on 17th November 2020 ICBM was launched. It’s similar to Defcon but it has more depth with a research & development tree that allows you to take different paths in each game. Flush the bombers!
I did have some issues with running the game at first, with the game exiting when I tried to run the tutorial, exiting when I tried to save the game & exiting a few minutes into a game once I finally got it running. That seems like a lot of problems, but they were all related to one thing: Redirected folders.
Looking at the logs, it looks like the games doesn’t like non-standard locations for users folders in Windows. My documents are redirected to my server & it seems ICBM doesn’t work correctly with these, but here’s how I fixed them.
I copied the folder steam/steamapps/common/ICBM/Tutorial to //server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/Tutorial. I created the following folders, change the paths as required.
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/AUTO1
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/AUTO2
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/AUTO3
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/AUTO4
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/AUTO5
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/DATA
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/SAVE1
//server/users/jef/my documents/my games/ICBM/SAVE2
The AUTOx folders are the location the game autosaves, I don’t know how many you need, but 5 seems to work OK. SAVEx are the save slots, you may need more.

You can play the original Nuclear war here:

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