Sunday 19th April 2020

This morning warp-girl got up and announced that what we all needed was a puppet show. We didn’t really have any plans (other than buying a fresh crop of turnips from Daisy-Mae) so it was hard to argue. She spent the next hour or so at the kitchen table making a sign, setting up the theatre and explaining to the puppets who was going to do what. After this, she said that she needed some blue glue (blu tack) to attach her sign and that we needed to get our money ready (!?). She arranged the stage and seats for us before telling us that entry was £1. Looking at the sign it clearly stated that entry was £1 so once again, it was hard to argue. Except we didn’t have anything smaller that a £20 note so unless she was about to perform the entire two and a half hours and 21 musical numbers from HMS Pinafore then her luck was out. We compromised on two mini chocolate eggs (left over from Easter) each and took our seats (warp-boy got in for free as he was sleeping at the time). The set up was very professional with its multi-coloured sign, Pac-Man throw acting at curtains and excellent audience seats. The show itself was rather interesting with characters including Peppa Pig, Sooty & Sweep, Father Christmas, The Incredible Hulk and various other animals and a story which was somewhat similar to what I’d imagine a Peppa Pig-Monty Python cross-over to be. There was a funny bit where Mr Fox came to blow down Peppa Pig’s house, a scary bit where the Hulk tried to steal Father Christmas’ Christmas presents (only to be thwarted by a princess and a bunny rabbit with a cold) and a rather deep bit where blue knitted bear tried to discover why Sooty doesn’t speak. At the end of the performance warp-girl took a bow to rapturous applause and looked pretty pleased with herself as she tucked into her four egg entry fee. warp-girl’s puppet show had been quite entertaining and was well worth the entry fee.